Hi, there! Today, I’ll write about “The Southwest Festival of Japan”. This festival has a five-year history, and the city of Bunbury and Setagaya (our uni’s city) have been sister cities for 30 years, so this year’s festival was special!! In addition, booth leaders were invited to Friday’s reception, and to listen to the mayor, leaders, Perth Japanese consul, and many VIPs’ speeches, and talked with each other. Then, we enjoyed Japanese meal. I could make sense that many people were looking forward to the festival, and I got some advice about this city, Australia, and so on. It was amazing.
On the Matsuri-day, we all got up early to get on the first bus at 7:37. Some of us wore kimonos, and it was hard for us. (Actually, I got up at 5:00 a.m., and the time was the earliest time in my Australian life!) At the Festival, I was in the Japanese Calligraphy booth almost all day. There were so many guests visiting our booth, and I was happy to share our traditional culture, and I hope they all enjoyed the festival. Also, many TCU students in Perth came here around lunch time, and I was happy to meet them. It was the first time to meet them in 1.5 months, I wish they were here for a much longer time and enjoyed our city. At lunch, I ate “Takoyaki”. In Bunbury, it is not common to eat fish. Therefore, the fish dish healed my mind to prepare for after lunch’s work. After lunch, I taught so many people again. I translated their name to Kanji and wrote. They seemed to be happy and excited. Kanji was so complicated for Australian people, so some people couldn’t write in the correct order or directions, but finally, they all completed writings, so I was really glad about that.
The day was so fun, busy and tiring day. I felt a little bit sad to finish the festival, however, I will enjoy the remaining time in Australia.
やあ、こんにちは。今回はSouthwest Festival of Japanについて書きます。このお祭りは5周年で、今年はちょうどバンバリーと世田谷の姉妹都市関係30周年記念でいつもよりも少し特別なお祭りだったらしいです。加えて、ブースリーダーは金曜日の前夜祭に招待されました。そこではバンバリー市長や、パース領事館の人、その他のVIPたちのスピーチを聞き、一緒に喋り、日本食を楽しみました。話しているうちにどれだけたくさんの人がこのお祭りを楽しみにしているのか肌で感じられ、日本がここで好かれていることが少し嬉しかったです。また、バンバリーに長年在住している方からこの町及びオーストラリアのアドバイスもいただけました。