TAP 留学中の学生による特派員レポート


What Bunbury Students feel in Perth

山田 真由(情報工学部 知能情報工学科 ECU South West (Bunbury Campus) )

Hello! Today, I’ll write about the two-day trip in Perth. Firstly, I went to Coles, and I was surprised by the price! In Bunbury, I often see half-price sales, and it changes every Wednesday, however, here, all the merchandises were not discounted. Next, I went to Kings Park. It is one of the most popular sightseeing places, and the view was AMAZING!!! I could see both rivers, and beautiful flowers. Then, I saw the Mount Lawley campus. It was much bigger than Bunbury campus, and the shape of some buildings were weird and tall. In Bunbury, most houses, buildings have only one floor, because the land price is lower than construction cost. Therefore, I noticed the feature of two cities in this campus so much. The way to the hotel at night, I felt scared because there were rough guys standing along the streets and watching us. I guessed they were looking for victims which is easy to rob. I felt behind the station area (Northbridge) is similar to Kabukicho or town center in Shibuya. I’m used to the peaceful atmosphere of Bunbury, so it seemed scary for me to stay in that city.

On the next day, I went to Fremantle. The cityscape is historical, and I was really impressed. Firstly, I visited Fremantle market, and it was really huge, and many people in it. I could see hand-made accessories, fresh fruits, cute snacks, and so on. The place was as if I was in a Southeast Asian country. Then, I went to a restaurant to eat fish and chips. It was bigger than I expected, so we shared it between three people. The taste was really crunchy, and the fried fish was so yum!! Then, I went to Fremantle Prison, and saw lots of historical things. The most surprising thing was that it was used until 1990s. My birth year is 2002, so around 20 years!! Also, I could see prisoners’ clothes, letters, artworks and so on. I didn’t have much time, but I was really interested in the optional tour, so I want to come again, in the near future.

I will have a semester break tomorrow, and I will visit Cairns and Sydney. I’m really looking forward to it. I will go there for 8 days and enjoy Australian nature! See you next post!


こんにちは、今回はパース2日間の旅について書きます。まず、お馴染みのコールズへ行ったのですが、値段に驚きました。バンバリーでは、毎週水曜に入れ替わる半額セールが行われており、ほとんどの商品がいつかは半額になります。しかし、パース(正確にはCOLES CENTRAL)では割引されている商品が一切なく、全て定価でした。


次にキングスパークに行きました。キングスパークはパースで人気な観光スポットで、実際に景色が最高でした。2つの川が見え、とてもかわいらしい花々が咲き乱れていました。次にマウントローリーキャンパスを見に行ったのですが、キャンパスがバンバリーと比べて遥かに大きいだけではなく、建物が高かったり面白い形でした。バンバリーでは、多くの家や建物が1階建てです。というのも、2階建て・3階建てにする建築コストと土地代が釣り合わないからです。しかし、パースは都市部ということもあってバンバリーと同じようにはいかないことを感じさせられました。夜ホテルへ戻る帰り道、いかつい人が道路に沿って立っていて私達を見ていたので怖かったです。駅の裏側のノースブリッジというエリアは東京でいう歌舞伎町や渋谷センター街のような場所のように思い           ます。(昼間はホームレスの人がいたりしましたが、通り過ぎる分には安全ですし、多種多様なレストランがあります)バンバリーの平和な環境に慣れ親しんでいたので、都市部のちょっと治安の悪い感じが少し怖く感じました。






