TAP 留学中の学生による特派員レポート


Surrounding Green, Refresh My Mind

山田 真由(情報工学部 知能情報工学科 ECU South West (Bunbury Campus) )

Last Monday, we all went to Thommo’s Community Garden for volunteering. The garden is a 45-minute-walk from the campus and grows lots of kinds of organic fruits and vegetables for Foodbank. All of us enjoy gardening there, for example, making chicken beds, picking weeds except poppies, harvesting mulberries and loquats and so on. Also, the volunteers made us some snacks, and enjoy eating them. There were scones with special jam and cream (not so sweet but taste gentle), carrot cakes, and broad beans guacamole. I enjoyed it so much and I wanted to visit again, so I asked them. They welcomed me, so I decided to visit there every Monday until I return to Japan.










So, this Monday, I visited there and did some work. Firstly, I did pick eggs that the hens laid this morning. It was the first time for me to pick eggs on hay, and it looks precious, so I felt a little bit guilty. I am going to thank hens every time I eat eggs. Secondly, I picked overgrown celery and feed it to hens. I was surprised that hens eat not only grains but also vegetables. I could see how hungry the hens are that they pecked them so quickly, and it was funny a little. And then, I picked weeds again and again. There were plenty of fields that need to pick weeds. Also, they plant poppies for gathering bees for bearing fruit plants, like peas, cucumbers, beans, grapes and so on. Grown poppies have characteristic leaves and buds, so it is easy to recognize, however, small ones which have just shot out sprouts from seeds were similar to weeds, so it was difficult. I paid attention so much, but perhaps I picked some little poppies. Sorry, poppies!

Next week, I am going to pick broad beans for Foodbank with Thommo’s garden official volunteers. I am looking forward to doing the work and I hope I will work well. See you next time!



先週の月曜日に、都市大生全員がThommo’s Community Garden にボランティアに行きました。ここはSWキャンパスから45分ほど歩いたところにあり、たくさんの種類のオーガニック野菜や果物を育てて、フードバンクに寄付しています。私たちはそこで鶏のベッド用に木のチップを運んだり、ポピー以外の雑草を抜いたり、桑の実や枇杷を収穫したりしました。また、現地のボランティアの方が私たちのためにスナックを用意したくださり、一緒にたき火を囲んでいただきました。特性のジャムとクリームをのせたスコーン(甘すぎず優しい味でした)、人参ケーキ、そら豆のワカモレがありました。とても楽しかったのでまた来たいなと思い、聞いてみたところ、歓迎して下さったので、日本に帰国するまでの毎月曜日に訪れることにしました。

